Thursday, March 22, 2012

Leo 4.10 b1 released

Leo 4.10 b1 March 21, 2012

Leo 4.10 b1 is now available at:

Leo is a text editor, data organizer, project manager and much more.

Leo 4.10 contains 9 months of intense work on Leo. Several very important
features are subtle; you could almost call them Easter Eggs, so please read
the following notes carefully.

The highlights of Leo 4.10:

* Dozens of new and improved features and commands, including...
- Tab completion now shows all @command & @button nodes.
- Leo tabs may be detached from the main window.
- The Open With menu now works.
- The leoInspect module answers questions about Python code.
- Leo can highlight the pane containing the focus.
- The bigdash plugin searches across multiple files.
- Improved abbreviation capabilities.
- Improved handling of URL's.
- Improved editing of non-Leo files.
- Improvements create "weightless" unit testing.
* Easier installation on MacOS.
* Fixed almost 70 bugs.

The Easter Eggs

1. Tab completion now shows all @command & @button nodes.

Put all your common scripts in @command nodes in myLeoSettings.leo.
Typing @c will remind you of the names of these scripts.
You can execute the scripts by name without the "@command-" prefix.

2. Improved abbreviation capabilities.

Virtually any kind of abbreviation is possible. For example, ~a to ã.

3. Improved handling of URL's.

URL's can link to other Leo outlines. Ctrl-Click on nodes or URL's
in body text to activate the URL.

4 Weightless unit testing.

The mantra is edit, alt-4 (run-marked-unit-tests-externally), edit,
alt-4,... Several seemingly innocuous changes made this work without an
"friction". The result is a remarkable increase in productivity.



  1. Python is a bliss. Leo enhances python. Leo is the product of a clear mind.

    I use Leo for all my projects, with Mac Os and tkInter. I have to get QT running in OsX. This is going to be the time.

    Congratulations from Málaga, Spain. You are doing a lot of good.
