Friday, December 4, 2009

Coverting Leo to Python 3k: strategy

In the first post of this series, I stated the goal of this project: to create a common code base that will run Leo on both Python 2.x and Python 3.x. I am confident this goal will be accomplished because the following 3-step strategy guarantees success:

Step 1: Create a common code base that compiles on both Python 2.6 and Python 3.1. I completed this step yesterday, although one or two minor issues remain. Leo continues to run with Python 2.6 as it always has, and all of Leo's existing unit tests pass with the new code base when run with Python 2.6.

Step 2: Run the new code using Python 3.1, fixing bugs as they are found, until Leo executes its startup code without crashing. I completed this step yesterday as well.

Step 3: Run all of Leo's unit tests using Python 3.1. When this step is complete, there will be little or nothing left to do: Leo's unit tests cover almost all the essential features of Leo, except for some gui-related issues that already appear to work properly.

This strategy is guaranteed to work: porting Leo to Python 3.x is a low-risk project.

Only tactical details remain. Most details need no further comments, but I'll discuss two tactical issues in further posts:

A. How Leo's code can be made to compile in Python 2.6/3.1.

B. How Leo handles unicode in both Python 2.6/3.1.

The second is more important theoretically, the first more difficult practically.

P.S. A word or two about timing. Leo depends on Qt, so I had to wait until Qt itself supported Python 3.x before I could attempt to finish steps 2 and 3 above. PyQt supported Python 3.x at version 4.6, and it is now at version 4.6.2, so I can be pretty confident that Qt will handle Python 3.x pretty well.

I restarted this project yesterday after reading a comment praising Python 3.x. My guess is that 2010 will be the year the Python world moves decisively to Python 3.x.

1 comment:

  1. I've loads of example code for running code under Python 2.6 and 3.x here:

    Updates are welcome. I don't have examples for the standard library reorg yet, for example, or C-extensions.
