Sunday, August 29, 2010

Just say no to demagoguery

The sorry state of the American right wing is nowhere more on view then with the so-called ground-zero mosque. One has to wonder what kind of America they believe in.

Hatred, racism, xenophobia, fear-mongering and demagoguery seem to be the real guiding principles.

Does the Tea Party spell trouble for Democrats? Not likely. Many Republicans and swing voters will be revolted by the Tea Party's crude populism. The Tea Party seems more likely to split the GOP and unify the Dems.

The men behind the hate and lies

Everyone who cares even a little bit about truth and accountability in politics will be interested in the this piece from the New Yorker.

The Koch brothers are the driving force behind both the Tea Party and climate denial. They have contributed hundreds of millions of dollars to these odious ventures.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sharing code in Leo scripts, part deux

For years I have wanted Leo scripts to be able to share code directly. Now they can--simply, intuitively, dynamically, in a Leonine way.

exec(g.findTestScript(c,h)) is a big breakthrough in Leo scripting; the previous post buried the lead.

To recap, suppose a set of related @test nodes (or any other set of Leo scripts) want to share class definitions in a node whose headline is 'x'. To get these definitions, each node just starts with::


After this one line, the script can use all the class names defined in x without qualification. Furthermore, if I change the definitions in x, these changes immediately become available to all the scripts that use them.

This one-liner is a big step forward in Leonine programming.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Adding code to scripts, the Leo way

All of Leo's unit tests reside in @test nodes in a single Leo outline. Leo's users will understand the benefits of this approach: it is easy to organize tests, and run them in custom batches. For example, I can run all failing unit tests by creating a node called 'failing tests', and then drag clones of the failing @test nodes so they are children of the 'failing tests' node. I then select that node and hit Alt-4, Leo's run-unit-tests-locally command. This executes all the unit tests in that node only.

Unit tests can often be simplified by sharing common code. Suppose, for example, that I want my unit tests to have access to this class::

class Hello:
        def __init__(self,name='john'):
            print('hello %s' % name)

Before yesterday's Aha, I would have defined the class Hello in an external file, and then imported the file. For example, a complete unit test (in an @test node) might be::

import leo.core.leoTest as leoTest
    h = leoTest.Hello('Bob')
    assert == 'Bob'

Aside: Leo's users will know that putting this code in an @test node makes it an official unit test. Leo automatically creates a subclass of UnitTest.TestCase from the body text of any @test node.

Importing code this way works, but it's a static, plodding solution. To change class Hello, I have to switch to another file, make the changes and save that file, and reload the outline that uses it. I've been wanting a better solution for years. Yesterday I saw the answer: it's completely dynamic, it's totally simple and it's completely Leonine.

The idea is this. Suppose the node '@common code for x tests' contains a list of nodes, each of which defines a class or function to be shared by unit tests. A unit test can gain access to the compiled code in these nodes as follows::

p = g.findNodeAnywhere(c,'@common code for x tests')
    script = g.getScript(c,p)
    h = Hello('Bob')
    assert == 'Bob'

Let's look at these lines:

1. The first line finds the node whose headline is '@common code for x tests'. As usual in a Leo script, 'c' and 'g' are predefined. 'c' is bound to the Leo outline itself, and 'g' is bound to Leo's globals module, leo.core.leoGlobals.

2. The second line converts this node and all its descendants into a script. g.getScript handles Leo's section references and @others directives correctly--I can use all of Leo's code-organization features as usual.

3-5 The third line executes the script in the context of the unit test. This defines Hello in the @test node, that is, in the unit test itself! There is no need to qualify Hello. The actual test can be::

h = Hello('Bob')
    assert == 'Bob'

That's all there is to it. Naturally, I wanted to make this scheme a bit more concise, so I created g.findTestScript function, defined as follows::

def findTestScript(c,h):
        p = g.findNodeAnywhere(c,h)
        return p and g.getScript(c,p)

The unit test then becomes::

exec(g.findTestScript('@common code for x tests'))
    h = Hello('Bob')
    assert == 'Bob'

This shows, I think the power of leveraging outlines with scripts. It would be hard even to think of this in emacs, vim, Eclipse, or Idle.

The difference in the new work-flow is substantial. Any changes I make in the common code instantly become available to all the unit tests that use it. I can modify shared code and run the unit tests that depend on it without any "compilation" step at all. I don't even have to save the outline that I'm working on. Everything just works.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Leo in a nutshell

I have struggled for years to explain why Leo is interesting. Here is my latest attempt. I think it looks a bit better than usual :-)

Leo combines outlines, data, files and scripting in a unique way. As a result, it takes some time to get the Leo Aha. This page introduces Leo's features and argues that Leo truly is a unique tool.

Outlines and organization: Leo's outlines are far more flexible and powerful than any other outline you have ever used, for at least three reasons:

1. Unlike other browsers, you, not the browser, are in complete control of the outline. You can organize it however you like, and Leo will remember what you have done and will show it to you just that way when come back next time. If you don't think this is important you have never used Leo :-)

2. Leo outlines may look like other outlines, but in fact Leo outlines are views of a more general underlying graph structure. Nodes in Leo's outlines may appear in many places in the same outline. We call such nodes clones. Using clones, it is easy to create as many views of the data in the outline as you like. In effect, Leo becomes a supremely flexible filing cabinet: any outline node may be filed anyplace in this cabinet.

3. Leo outlines are intimately connected to both external files and Python scripting, as explained next.

External files: Any outline node (and its descendants) can be "connected" to any file on your file system. Several kinds of connections exist. The three most common kinds are:

1. @edit: Leo reads the entire external file into the @edit node's body text.

2. @auto: Leo parses the external file and creates an outline that shows the structure of the external file, just as in typical class browsers.

3. @file: Leo makes a two way connection between the @file node (and its descendants) and the external file. You can update the external file by writing the Leo outline connected to it, or you can update the outline by changing the external file. Moreover, you can easily control how Leo writes nodes to the file: you can rearrange how Leo writes nodes. To do all this Leo uses comments in the external file called sentinels that represent the outline structure in the external file itself.

All of these connections allow you to share external files with others in a collaborative environment. With @file, you can also share outline structure with others. Thus, a single Leo outline can contain an entire project with dozens or even hundreds of external files. Using Leo, you never have to open these files by hand, Leo does so automatically when it opens the Leo outline. Leo is a unique new kind of IDE.

Scripting: Every outline node can contain Python scripts. Moreover, each node in a Leo outline is a programmable object, which is easily available to any Leo script. Furthermore, the structure of the outline is also easily available to any script. Thus, nodes can contain programs, or data, or both!

Furthermore, Leo's headlines provide a natural place to indicate the type of data contained in nodes. By convention, @test in a headline denotes a unit test, @command creates a new Leo command, and @button creates a script button, that is, a Python script that can be applied to any node in an outline!

Unifying scripting, data and outline structure creates a new world. We use the term Leonine to denote the Leo-centric (outline-centric) view of programming, data and scripting. Here are some of the implications of of this new world:

Data organization: Leo's clones allow unprecedented flexibility in organizing data. Leo outlines have been used as an entirely new kind of database. It is easily scriptable. As my brother has shown, it is possible to design Leo outlines so that parts of the outline are SQL queries!

Design: With Leo, you always see the big picture, and as many of the details as you like. But this makes outlines ideal for representing designs. In fact, Leo outlines don't just represent designs, they are the designs. For example, all of Leo's source code reside in just a few Leo outlines. There is no need for separate design tools because creating a Leo outlines simultaneously embodies both the design and the resulting code. Furthermore, Leo outlines can also represent input data to other design tools.

Programming: It's much easier to program when the design is always easily visible. Nodes provide the perfect way to organize large modules, classes and functions. Nodes also provide unlimited room to save as many details an notes as you like, without cluttering your overall view of the task, or rather tasks, at hand.

Testing: Leo is a supremely powerful unit-testing framework:

1. You can make node a unit test simply by putting @test at the start of its headline. Leo will then automatically generate all the blah-blah-blah needed to turn the node's script into a fully-functional unit test. Oh yes, the headline becomes the name of the unit test.

2. Unit tests can use data in children of @test nodes. Typical tests put input data in one child node, and the expected results of running the test in another child node. The test simply compares the actual and expected results.

3. You can easily run tests in the entire outline or just in the selected outline. Because tests reside in nodes, you can use clones to organize tests in as many ways as you like. For example, it is trivial to run only those tests that are failing.

Maintenance and support: Leo's ability to contain multiple views of data is precisely what is needed while maintaining any large project. For every new support task and every new bug, a new (plain) task node will contain all the data needed for that task, notes, test data, whatever. Furthermore, when fixing bugs, the task node can contain clones of all classes, methods or functions related to the bug. Fixing a node in the task node fixes the node in the external file! And as always, you can use all of Leo's outlining features (including clones) to organize your task nodes.

Organization everywhere: Have you noticed that Leo's organizational prowess applies to everything? Indeed, you can use outlines and clones in new ways to organize files, projects, data, design, programming, testing, and tasks. Leo doesn't need lots of features--outlines, clones and scripts suffice. The more complex your data, designs, program and tasks, the better Leo is suited to them.

Scripting everything: Let's step back a moment. A single outline can contain databases, designs, actual computer code, unit tests, test scripts and task nodes. But Leo scripts will work on any kind of node. Thus, it is easy to run scripts on anything! Examples:

- Data: The @kind convention for headlines tells scripts what a node contains without having to parse the node's contents. The possibilities are endless.

- Design: scripts can verify properties of design based on either the contents of design nodes or their outline structure.

- Coding: scripts routinely make massive changes to outlines. Scripts and unit tests can (and do!) verify arbitrarily complex properties of outlines.

- Testing: scripts can (and do!) create @test nodes themselves.

- Maintenance: scripts could gather statistics about tasks using simple @kind conventions.