Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Should this blog be on planet python?

A recent comment objected that a previous post wasn't on topic for Planet Python. That is a perfectly reasonable point of view. The coming posts will likely strike some as even more off topic. It's fine with me if the Planet Python people want to de-syndicate this blog. That's for them to decide.


  1. Give your posts tags from now on, and have Planet Python syndicate only the "Python" feed. That's what most people in your situation do.

  2. (Or "tech" etc. -- details up to you.)

  3. Since, like me, you are on Blogger, all you have to do is put "python" as one of the comma-separated list of "labels" and the posts should then appear under http:///python - then have the Planet change the URL they publish.

  4. Sorry, that's http://.../python, where "..."is your usual blog URL.
